Sweetness and Light at the McLunt Smallholding

Rural life inspired by faith

Bystock Nature Reserve, Exmouth

For the last couple of weeks it has seemed like my past life has been passing before me. Then I understood: we are on holiday, and visiting people and places I knew from before. And I think I am tired out, but we shall see! [we’re not back home for another week!]

To start with all was normal; normal walks, normal misbehaviour from the chickens, normal lazy Papa doing not very much, normal Mummy having lots of naps. And the occasional trip to Girvan for the shops, the doctors, chemist or whatever. And an occasional walk on the beach. Not much fun anymore because they tractor the beach to make flat sand – no pebbles, no sticks and no fun.

We did need to go to Ayr one day, which meant [HOORAY] Maccy D’s and chicken nuggets for me! And a visit to Dobbies, but I wasn’t allowed near the treats counter. Mean.

Then Mummy and Papa started doing stuff in the Cabin. That meant somebody was coming to stay.


It was Uncle Pete. Papa used to work for him in Cornwall [where I came from and my doggie family still live]. He knows lots about wildlife, and cooking, so it was lovely to have him stay. Papa is jealous of all the stuff he knows. Mummy knows nearly as much now!

All our visitors get taken to the best inn in Ayrshire, at Dunure: where they have a doggie menu [I choose sausage and mash; yummy!]. We had a little play on the beach, as usual, I chased stones, as usual. Lovely.

I forgot to mention that it rained the first day Pete was here so he and Papa worked in the barn on the new goat milk stand. A good job Pete was around, he showed Papa how to make it! Papa has to finish bits off, then it will be good for goats!

Pete had to go, he was going for a holiday in the ‘Lake District’ so off he went.  The next day we had coffee and cake with the Cafe Aunties, as usual, but I was getting a little bothered. My people were packing! I knew we were going on holiday, but when?

Answer: the next day. What about the chickens and bees? Who would look after them? Auntie Lexi and Uncle Andrew were going to be doing it.

The car was loaded, off we went! First stop, Kirroughtree where we had lunch and watched the birds and red squirrels for a while. Then more driving, lots, down into England to ‘Killington Lake Services’, looked very nice through the pouring rain. But a big plus: MACCY D’s.

We had two special jobs the next day: go and see the goats bought by Mummy – they lived nearby – then visit a doctor [?]. I wasn’t allowed to see or play with the goats – I had to wait in the car. But I can wait!

My people spent plenty of time with them and pronounced them Good. There were also Shetland Coos, (cousins of Vetchling and Butterbur,  who are with Sydney the Belted Galloway bull atm). The goats will come to us in late July, if lazy Papa finishes doing their barn.

Then to the doctors for silly Mummy to collect some meds she’d left at home! Me and Papa got soaked in the rain outside the surgery. Hmm.

Me at spring in Arneside. Mummy and Papa got ice creams, I got a little lick and a bit of cone.

Then off down to ANOTHER hotel-place, this time at “Haydock near St.Helens.” This had a restaurant with lovely smells; so we went there for tea!

And the same place for breakfast the next morning. But then we went to see somebody very important to Mummy and Papa from when they got together. He is another Rev, like Mummy. He married Mummy and Papa and for that I am very glad, because if he hadn’t I wouldn’t  be here. Rev Roger – ‘the Dodger’ they call him because he likes Jammy Dodgers best – liked me, but he is very old!

Me in my hotel room!

Back to the hotel, then – surprise – Uncle Mike and Auntie Ruth came and took us all out for a ride in their [very clean and tidy] car. To a pub Papa used to go to [but they let him in], then to their home where there was a lovely garden for me to play in, then treats for me from Auntie Ruth [I wish I could stay with her], and a huge dining table for me to sit under and beg, then back to the hotel.

The next day: a walk in ‘Wigan Flashes’ where Papa used to work [though he managed to get lost twice]. There were lots and lots of ‘very exciting’ birds. Yawn. There WERE lots of exciting smells and very nice people.

Still no rest for me: on to Auntie Karen and Hero Uncle Mike’s house where I have been before. I had a walk in the garden. And on to a new place: Auntie Lindsay and Uncle Paul’s house where BEST BEST friend Poppy and Cool Woody live. And a barbeque, with sausages. Smashing!

One more night in the hotel [then breakfast], then in the car and away. Lots of driving, so I had a sleep in the back. Next thing, we arrived in a place I seemed to recall, and there was litter mate Kyler [now Syd]! We went for a walk in the nice park I remembered, but we didn’t stay long.

Another drive, another call, now we were at litter mate Kat’s! We looked at her home, then carried on for a few more miles, then my people were saying ‘Hooray, we’re here!’ Exmouth! Where I grew up!

This is what holidays are about! Over the next few days we saw Uncle Harold, and Pam and Gail; had a walk on the beach, and in Phear Park; had tea and cake at Littlemead Church, where Papa used to go and Mummy used to look after, seeing all our old friends especially Marion and Joan, Chris and Margaret.

We had lunch at Otterton Mill (Kat used to work there) and a walk by the River Otter. Once, about ten years ago, Mummy, Papa and I saw REAL wild beavers [not pet ones like Uncle Pete has in Cornwall]. None this time, though I did find a chewed stick.

On another day we got to visit Kat at her current work. She is a baker and the place she works smells WONDERFUL! I wasn’t allowed to go into the kitchen, but there were lots of nice people who stroked me while Kat showed Mummy and Papa around.

After we visited there I got to wondering if I could work there. When we go to the pubs Mummy always says I do a very good job cleaning up the floors. I think this would be the perfect place to keep the floors tidy.

The next day we went for a walk with my friend Uncle Peter, to the Maer. Last time we were together was on Dunkery Beacon three years ago.

Dunkery Beacon, Exmoor, 3 years ago.

To finish our time in Exmouth we went to Bystock Nature Reserve, where Papa used to work. He got lost twice here, as well. And to the pub, where my people had chips and stuff and I got bits. SMALL ONES.

And so we left our holiday house in Exmouth. It had been lovely to see all my favourite places and friends; on the way out we called at Uncle Peter and Auntie Sheila’s House for Coffee. Papa  is jealous of their plants!

We’re not going back to Scotland yet; I wonder where we’re going next!

There will be more holiday photos in my next blog!

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