Sweetness and Light at the McLunt Smallholding

Rural life inspired by faith

My best birthday present that I wasn’t allowed to eat. Thank you, Poppy and Lindsay!


I thought that once Uncle Ted and Auntie Mindy and their pups had left it would be nice and quiet again. We would have time to relax in the cottage and the pastures, I would have my favourite walks, and we might have a nice trip to the beach or wherever. It started well enough, though my people went to Church early and by their smell, had bacon rolls! [Easter Day] and by the time they got home I was hungry and it was late for MY num nums.

Then there would be a few quiet days…but wait, I had forgotten!

Auntie Lindsay and Uncle Paul would be coming and bringing my Very Best Friend Poppy and Very Cool Woody. They would stay in the cabin, we would all play together and have a lovely time!

Thursday – Sunday:

Best friend Poppy brought me my birthday present.! It was a lovely blanket with my name on it. I will sleep on it every night. Nobody else must use it, especially not the cats [or Papa].

We had walks in Mummy Woods, and Papa Woods, and I showed Poppy and Woody where all the best scents would be. I played sticks in Kelpie Burn. All Good Fun. 

This was a walk in Papa Woods. That’s Woody in the background. For some reason Mummy thought the sycamore leaf was more important. WRONG!

We went to have cake and see the cafe aunties at the shop. Poppy went to see Butterbur and Vetchling in their new home. 

The Kellys [I will call them that] were of course staying in the cabin. In the mornings [before my people bothered to wake up] they were watching red squirrels in the tree by the cabin. My people were very jealous!

We all had fish and chips – lovely – but the next day it was time for the Kellys to leave. I was sad and missed them. I think my people missed them too!


A couple of days later it was time for me to see Uncle Vet Hamish. My people went too, which is good so when Uncle VH notices how good and healthy I am, my people know, too. This time, I had not put on much weight [??? Papa] so I was ‘good to go.’ This does not mean I shouldn’t have more walks and best beef, it all helps!

Then we had a day out. Actually, it started with a trip to Mummy’s hairdresser; Papa and I had a walk on the beach, very nice, the tide was out. Then to Ayr, to Maccy D’s, chicken nuggets for me [lovely], then to a garage for work on Vicky the Car, then to Doon Beach for a walk. A lovely day!

A trip to Doon Beach finished off the day perfectly.


Something odd is happening. The worst kind of odd, Mummy is messing with her clothes, sorting them out, washing some…then horror of horrors, out came the suitcase. But it just sat in the corner, so back to normal life.


The woods were prettier than ever. Papa names all the flowers coming out. I have to take note of them. The last daffodils, wood anemones, wood sorrel [Papa’s favourite], bluebells, primroses, violets, two types of garlic, doggies mercury and then horrible japanese knotweed showing by the riverbank! Papa notes the chiffchaffs, willow warblers and blackcaps are singing. And I have to listen for cuckoos!

Now the suitcase was out proper. Mummy is packing it; are we going away?


NO. WE are not, but Mummy is, in the car with Auntie Larrissa! Night came, no Mummy. I am very sad.

Papa played the same treat game that Mummy plays, but it’s NOT the same. I slept on the bed with Papa. Hmm.


Morning came, and my walk with Papa. I was nervous. No Mummy. Then Papa was on the phone and I think he was talking to Mummy. What is happening? 

Then a car came in the gate…the door opened and MUMMY got out! Hooray, my tail was wagging so much I thought I would fall over! Another car door opened and KATHRYN got out. A bad day turned good in seconds!

Kathryn was staying in the cabin and we were all having our meals in the cottage. On Thursday, new people arrived. They were Clare and Paul, ‘wwoofers’ they are called. [I forgot to say they had called by a few days before with my friends Anya and Emma. They liked me]. Clare and Paul helped Papa take down the cow crush, then they had lunch with us. They are very clever, they know all about animals and plants.


This day was Kathryn’s birthday, so we went to Dunure and I had my usual sausage lunch, then a play on the beach. Also Uncle Chef Jason came out twice to give me treats. I think I love him very much.


The next day it was suitcases out again! Papa’s as well. And off we all went in the car, with Kathryn, but I didn’t know where. We went past Uncle vet Hamish’s and down to Newton Stewart. And then to a place called Kirkcudbright (Ker COO brie) that had a lovely river, places to walk and shops for my people! We stayed in a house where I had to sleep upstairs! I hadn’t been upstairs since we moved to Scotland – going up was hard work for a doggie like me, but by the time we left I remembered how to come down fast.

Anyway, the next day we went to a LOVELY beach, my best this year. We had a good play, met some children who had eleven brothers and sisters, then went for a lovely ice cream [my people gave me just a small amount!] at Cream O’ Galloway. Doggies are very welcome.

In Kirkcudbright, near the harbour.

And the next day – we went to Kirroughtree, where we go often. This time, though, there were bike races and hundreds of people around. We had our usual coffee, then watched red squirrels from the hide. They were a bit scared because of all the noise, but we saw them! And then we had lunch in the cafe!

The next day we went home but we dropped Kathryn off at the station in Dumfries; she was going back to her home. We called at a strange place for a walk [Carwick Multiverse]. I got very confused, Papa had to stay close to me so I didn’t get lost. Mummy got confused, too, and fell flat on her back in the mud. She was not happy because she had to change clothes in the car park before she was allowed to get in the car (sometimes that happens to me).

And back home, and back to normal. Phew!


But not quite! On Wednesday afternoon a man arrived with Papa’s new car. My humans keep calling it ‘Mini-Digger’ and Papa is going to do gardening with it. If Papa’s not safe to drive in the car, this is even more dangerous. I am going to stay out of the way!!

he has already messed up the gravel path, knocked a post over and frightened the chickens. 

‘So that’s the engine started.’ Scary.

Tomorrow I shall find a safe place in the long grass and HIDE all day. After I’ve had my morning walk!

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