Sweetness and Light at the McLunt Smallholding

Rural life inspired by faith

I have tried something different this time. I have uploaded a series of videos Phil and I took as I inspected and cleaned my dead honey bee colony/hive. These videos have spent a fair bit of time buffering when I have tried to watch them back. Let me know how you get on. But before …

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It’s been a month of new routines for the cows and us. Setting up the shed, showing our trainee cow keepers how to keep cows, dividing the chores into morning and evening lots and then deciding who does what half, halter training, rejigging food deliveries, dog walks and evening meals. It’s all new! But the …

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Thought we’ve continued to have some cold nights and a lot of rain, the days in between have been warmer. The sun is higher in the sky and we are forecast several days of sunshine and warmer temperatures. And everything has responded: There are wood anemones, celadines, primroses and violets blooming in the wood, daffodils …

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